Wednesday, August 10, 2005


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We're due for another Thumb checkup. And this one's a biggie.

He just turned 8 months old on Monday.
He's got 9 teeth with another one sure to follow close behind. The average kid has 8 teeth by the time they're 1.
He says "Mama" and "Dada". Albeit, with no actual reference to anyone, but hey, we'll take it.
Last night he took his first steps. 4 in total. And without any encouragement. He was standing leaning on the ottoman, when he looked over at my sister... and just walked to her.

By the way, he still hasn't crawled.

I figure I'm set for life cuz this kid's a genius, is going to make billions of dollars, and always make sure his favorite Auntie/Godmother is well taken care of.


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