Friday, August 05, 2005

You Will Taste the Meaning of This Life

Here are a few things of note that I have not mentioned in my blog for some unexplainable reason. Please forgive the delay in reckognizing #3.

1. What the hell is happening on Six Feet Under?!? I mean, I know what's going on -- because I watch it. BUT WHAT THE HECK!?!?!?! If anyone else reading this watches it, please let me know if you are distressed as I am. I shouldn't be shocked because the whole show is about this family working in a funeral home--but NO! They're toying with my emotions and killing people I really like. Three more episodes... I'm going to try to hang in there, but if everyone dies in the finale I might have to hate the show forever.

2. There is finally a music festival coming to Las Vegas. Maybe I should rephrase that because I haven't lived here long enough to say "there is FINALLY a music festival coming to Las Vegas". I lived in So Cal for all my life and have attended maybe 5 "festivals" ever. What I should really say is FINALLY DAVE MATTHEWS IS COMING TO VEGAS!!!! Albeit, it will be Dave Matthews "and friends" but whatever. This is something I have been waiting for. Vegoose is being put on by the same people who are responsible for Bonnaroo. This is a good thing. And I'm very excited.

3. Lance freakin Armstrong won the Tour de France for the 7th time. I've followed the Tour pretty closely for the last 4 years and am in awe of this man. I had the opportunity to see him in person last year when he was riding cross country in support of his Livestrong Foundation. Read more about it here.


Blogger brian said...

I want to go to Vegoose. I'm jealous.

2:38 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

you blog entries are interesting, can you tell me more about relocation adventures to Las Vegas?

8:40 PM  

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