Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Maybe You're Just Too Demanding

Let's try this again.

I've been seriously neglecting my blogging duties. Mostly because sleep has taken priority over typing these days. Also because I don't think I have many (if any) people reading this, so sometimes it seems like a lot of work for just me to enjoy.

As usual, a brief rundown on my life:

I've made a decision to put more effort into my work lately. This is also an explanation of why the blogging has been less than stellar. The time I would usually spend writing away has now become full with actual work to do. It's a combination of them giving me more to do and me considering actually staying put for a while. More to report on that soon, hopefully.

My nephew now has 8 teeth. He's 7 1/2 months old, people. The Institution of Amazing Children is using him as part of their next study. Part of the phenomenon is due to the fact that he has an Auntie who loves him so much--he seems to get two more teeth after every visit with me.

Saturday I made a turnaround trip to California to attend the wedding of a dear friend. I do not miss Southern California traffic, most specifically the 91 and 5 freeways. They were the cause of me spending much more time in my car than was necessary. The wedding was unusual mostly because the reception was first. It was a neat idea... except that it didn't allow those who would normally skip those types of functions to leave EARLY. It went on... and on... and on.... Until 3 1/2 hours later we were finally getting the ceremony underway. I wouldn't have normally skipped out directly behind the bride and groom as they walked back up the aisle, but I had places to go and a bed to sleep in. There was no time to waste.

Monday night was spent with a group of friends who were in town for a few hours while their driver slept. We went to Little Buddha at The Palms which was incredibly good, despite having only one vegetarian dish. Being a sushi joint, apparently us non-raw fish eaters aren't high on the priority list. I found out later that at the same time we were there, John Stamos was in da house, as was Kid Rock, as was the entire Eminem and 50 cent entourage. Somehow managed to not see a thing when I was there. It's a skill not many can master. Earlier in the day I walked right past Lisa Rinna and didn't even notice her.

Yesterday my eye twitched all day and it continued on til this morning. So far since I've been at work I've been twitch-free. I need more sleep.

Tonight is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Expect a full report tomorrow.


Blogger brian said...

Yesterday my ear drum was spasming...or something. Maybe there was a spider in my ear.

2:44 AM  
Blogger Holly said...

At least I know two people are reading. You all need to comment more often so I know you're out there!!

Brian: try sleeping with a ski mask on. Then your ears and your mouth will be protected from those pesky spiders.

12:13 AM  

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