Saturday, July 09, 2005

This Good Day

I'm liking this living alone and being independent thing.

Today I bought sod. Yes... sod. I planted the sod into a container on my back porch. I also bought and installed a doggy door myself. The idea is that Wylee will use the doggy door to get to the sod, in which he will do his business on, rather than me having to constantly take him outside and follow him around saying "go potty! go potty!", and he just sitting there staring at me. He's got the doggy door concept down, except the most he's used it for is sunbathing on the porch and barking at passer-bys. This is gonna take some time.

I watched most of the Live 8 concert today on MTV, only I watched the very end on VH1 before the entire broadcast was shown on MTV. I found myself getting weepy already at just seeing everyone come out on stage to sing "Hey Jude" so you can imagine what the rest of the concert did to me. Somehow I missed The Dave Matthew's Band performance, but I did manage to catch Destiny's Child and Beyonce's underwear.

I did yoga tonight for the first time in a very long time. Afterwards, I treated myself to a long, hot bath. It's the first time I've used my tub in my new place, and let me tell you, it was OUTSTANDING. The thing is so big, it took forever just to fill. No music, no TV, no magazine. Just me, a few candles, and some bubbles. The smell from my candles alone was heaven.

Now it's time for me to sleep on my big bed in my clean sheets. Nothing better.


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