Wednesday, July 06, 2005

We're right on track... I ain't looking back

My nephew said his first word today. He's 7 months old and today he said "Mama". I was so freakin' excited it might as well have been "Auntie". He's a genius. And he laughs when I talk to him on the phone. I love that kid.

My entire weekend was spent in my place getting stuff put away and in order. I also had to deal with hell from Cox Communications trying to get my internet and cable hooked up. I need to figure out how they can give me something for free after putting me through what they did. So far I've hosted one overnight guest in my guest room, and one night of dinner with the fam at my new place. I think we'll get along just fine.

I did manage to get out of the house to spend the 4th at my parent's house swimming and hanging out with family friends and BBQ'ing. But I didn't stay for fireworks, even though Brian said I am a disappointment for not celebrating our nation's birthday and deciding instead to hang pictures. At least I wasn't getting my house burned down by the deaf kid.

I tried to voiceblog today but it said my number was no longer in service. Whatever. I'll try again tomorrow.


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