Saturday, June 25, 2005

We'll turn this better thing to the best

I'm in a different kind of mood right now. I had two margaritas at dinner--but that was like, 3 hours ago so I'm not feeling tipsy. I'm tired but wanting to go out. I'm comfortable but not settled. I'm reflective but looking forward to whatever's next...

The family is watching one of the Blue Comedy Tour's shows on TV. I'm sitting here with my iPod firmly planted in my ears enjoying my favorite playlist: "Lyrics I should have written". Right now it's "Say Goodbye" by Dave Matthews Band. If you're familiar with the lyrics, then you should probably know this is an appropriate song for me.

Moving Day is being planned for Tuesday. I'm okay with that, except that since the guest room is reserved for visiting fam, I'm living out of a duffel bag for a few days. I'm anxious to get in there. Actually, that's an understatement, but we'll leave it at that.

Tonight we were entertained at my nephew Chris's death scenes into the pool. He's 4 but looks like he's at least 7 -- I need to post a new pic of him, but there are some in one of my Christmas blogs. He enjoys being the center of attention, just like any normal 4 year old. Tonight he was sitting on my step-sister Diane's lap in the jacuzzi and matter of factly said "I just peed in the cajuzzi" (yes, that's how he says it). Needless to say, she was thrilled with that bit of information as we all had a good laugh--mostly because none of the rest of us were in the cajuzzi with them at the time.

Tonight we all stuffed our faces at Famous Dave's BBQ Pit. Diane and I are both vegetarians, although she eats fish and I eat bacon, so we managed to make it through the meal without any mocking from the staff there--even though I only had a baked potato and salad. The towlette I got on my plate said "We like vegetarians. They make us laugh". Pretty much sums that up, I guess. Diane gave me hers which said "Get sauced".

Apparently she doesn't know that two margaritas is me just getting started.


Blogger brian said...

A vegetarian that eats bacon? That's different. But bacon is good.

9:01 AM  
Blogger Holly said...

I am different, so that would probably explain it. I don't eat meat because I don't like it. But bacon I like. Simple as that.

1:11 PM  

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