Friday, June 17, 2005

People who need people

Las Vegas is a strange town with strange people.

Today I was having my car serviced when one of the mechanics burst through the door saying "there's a baby in that car!". The service manager asked the couple whose car it was if they had left a baby in the back, in a rather urgent tone. The gentleman said "Yes! Is he awake?!?" As if it was perfectly okay to let a sleeping baby stay in the back of a car while it's being serviced in the garage. Of course it is...

Today I was outside the Human Resources office at a local hotel when I met a very nice woman who attempted to compliment me when told me she thought I looked like I had just graduated high school, but who I think was insulted by it instead when she found out I was 26. One would assume she was applying for a job since she was sitting outside of the HR office, but based on the way she was dressed, you would understand that I had to actually ASK if that's what she was doing. I swear, I think I've been given interviews here simply because I wasn't wearing clothing that revealed any part of any type of undergarments I might be wearing. The woman today told me she was 43 years old and couldn't believe how competitive the job market was in Las Vegas. Assuming she had recently moved to town like I had, I asked her how long she had lived here. She informed me she was born and raised here-- which made me wonder why the job search was such a shock to her, especially at 43 years of age. She was applying for a hostess position in order to get her "foot in the door". I hope she got it.

One trend I've noticed here amongst 99% of the population is how alarmingly self-involved everyone is. It's widely known that Las Vegasians are horrible drivers, and I now realize it's because they just don't care about anyone else but themselves. There have been numerous times I have been walking through the grocery store where someone has left their cart in the middle of the aisle, while they look at canned peaches, without a care that they might be blocking it for the person behind them. Or someone slowly wanders around or just stops while gazing up--without even thinking that they might want to be considerate and move slightly over to make room for someone else... It's driving me crazy!! And my observations are not limited to only those who eat--but those who shop at Target, WalMart, Petsmart, or who simply have two feet and walk anywhere in public...

I know this probably sounds a little nit-picky and irrational. It doesn't make me question my decision to move here, or make me like the city any less... But Vegas is weird. And the people are weirder.


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