Monday, June 13, 2005

Arena Rocks

Well, I've officially lived the "single life". Or maybe I'm just not used to being the New Girl in Town. I consider myself a very independent person. I am comfortable doing most things by myself: eating at a restaurant, going to the movies, I'm usually alone when I drive, and I'm usually alone at home. But I did something Saturday night that I'm just not comfortable with: I went to a concert by myself.

Totally. Alone.

It sucked.

I was 100% sure ahead of time that it would suck being alone. But there was a little tiny sliver of hope in me that something would happen to totally change my mind--it's the optimist in me. Maybe I was hoping to magically get a front row seat. I could just picture the ticket guy saying "oh, just one? Well, we have a seat front and center for the first person to come to my window by themselves!! And on top of that, here's a backstage pass, a dozen roses and your personal butler, masseuse, and maid for you to use all day tomorrow in your High Roller Suite here at the
MGM!!!" and he leans closer to whisper "I hear Gavin requested to give that person a private concert so we've taken the liberty of tuning the baby grand in the room. Just a heads-up!"

I would graciously accept all of the gifts and take my escort by the arm down to the front where my seat was perfectly placed next to an amazingly gorgeous guy whose girlfriend happened to have gotten drunk the night before and married his best friend at The Little White Chapel. But it being his birthday (hence the reason for Vegas in the first place) and he being a huge Gavin fan didn't want to miss the show and he figured it would be a good distraction for his woes. "Besides", he figured, "it's Gavin DeGraw,
John Legend and Maroon 5 ... There's got to be some girl with blond hair and green eyes wearing a super-cute outfit that loves Gavin just as much as I do that would be willing to hang out with me!"

If only...

Just about the only part of that story that actually happened was a girl with blond hair and green eyes wearing a super-cute outfit who loves Gavin... That girl whose only company for the night was Miller Light and her cell phone on which she called people between every set and sent pics of herself to friends letting them know how bored she was. Unfortunately that girl was me and the concert was less than spectacular so it didn't even make up for the fact that she was by herself.

I've thought about it, and I don't think I'm being biased when I say that Gavin put on the best performance of the night. He's engaging, he's funny, he interacts with the crowd, and he sounds amazing. And he was the only performer to even mention the other acts--a definite sign of respect. John Legend sounds great, but not being familiar with any of his songs except for "Ordinary People", it was a little disconnected for me, and he came across super cocky and made me feel like I was priveleged to be allowed to see him perform, going through various snippets of songs he had participated in saying "yeah, that was me" as if I was supposed to be impressed. Whatever. Maroon 5 was a little disappointing, mostly because they didn't really DO anything. And as much as I thought I loved Adam Levine, I thought he sounded like a whining muppet all night--and again, that I should be so thankful to be in his presence. Whatever. At least I knew their music and could enjoy that part of it. The concert was entirely too long (4 1/2 hours) and I didn't mention the opening band,
Low Millions. Mainly because I'm pretty sure they're a flash in the pan kind of band and although they have one song I'd heard before, I doubt I'll be hearing about them again. Who knows? Maybe they'll turn out to sell millions of records and I'll say "oh yeah! I saw them at the MGM when no one knew who they were!"

But I'd rather take the front row seat, the roses, the massage, the suite, and the guy... Call me crazy.

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Me, after the concert--unwashed hair and all....


Blogger brian said...

That is quite the interesting concert fantasy you have there. I feel sorry for the guy who lost his girlfriend, but at least he had Gavin to comfort him. Too bad you didn't find him at the concert. I agree with you about going to concerts alone. That can't be much fun.

10:21 PM  
Blogger brian said...

oh...and Low Millions isn't that bad.

10:25 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

Don't feel sorry for him--it's a fantasy. Therefore, everything works out perfectly. In this case, he never gave her a second thought once he saw me.
Unlike the MJ jury, the verdict is still out on Low Millions.

8:51 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

Gavin is cool, I enjoy his music but don't think I would brave going it alone. I love blonds with green eyes!

2:16 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Perhaps I should NOT of typed that last line? It might give you the heebee-jeebees about blog stalkers

2:17 PM  

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