Monday, May 09, 2005

Cleaning Out My Closet

The Vegas move is progressing along very nicely, thankyouverymuch. I went out to visit the parents this weekend for Mother's Day and got the surprise of my life when my mom informed me that my dream place was mine. They had already begun the process on an investment property, and I was going to be able to live there. So amazing. I'm still blown away. Now I keep decorating in my head, and I can't wait to get in there and get started.
Really fantastic weekend with the family. We attended my dad's company picnic on Saturday where 700 of his closest co-workers attended. We all met up on the boss's property which is like, 15 acres in the middle of Vegas and features a full heard of cattle and about 25 horses. They had a full kid's village set up, a live band, and catered BBQ for everyone to eat. The weather was amazing, and I found I had to keep reminding myself I was on a RANCH in VEGAS. So weird.
Lots of laughs, lots of relaxing. Good times.

Back at home now, I am continuing to pack and throw stuff away... and away and away. I feel like I'm purging half of my life away and it feels FANTASTIC. I'm a terrible sentimental freak and hold on to things way too long. I know I'm making a huge change in my life, and it's good to let a lot of things go so I can kind of start over in many ways.

The Thumb got two teeth while I was gone!! I can't wait to see him and check out the new pearly whites. Growing up so fast, I can't believe it.


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