Sunday, April 24, 2005

I might as well enjoy my life and watch the stars play

Ohhhh, so much to write about. Quick rundown of the weekend is a good place to start.

Friday night drove to Heather's and hung out, watched movies and had a really mellow night. Good times. We always have a sort of unspoken language where we can just give a look and know exactly what we're referring to and crack ourselves up. And she likes it when I do her dishes.

Saturday morning woke up, dyed her hair, started watching another movie, then got ready and headed to LA. My step brother, along with being a great actor and writer, has also gotten back into art as of late, and now has many works he is selling. He took the opportunity on Saturday to show his art and invite people out to meet him and talk. Pretty amazing works, and bigger than I thought. Check out to see his stuff. It was great to see him and I was the family representative, being the only one who could make it out. Well, the only one on my side of the family. I was so glad Heather was with me, if only to witness the weirdness of the other side of the family who was out in full-force. (WOW is all I can use to describe it).

After the show, we took advantage of the rest of the day to look around some sites of LA. Well, sit in the car and drive around all day is more like it. Heather had never really been to anywhere in LA to actually SEE the city, so I was more than happy to show her around. Turns out Saturday afternoon is not the best time to choose to do so. In the huge length of time it took us to even drive to Hollywood, we had to pee and eat so we went to the Beverly Center, which I had never been to. Turns out it was probably the best place we could have ever gone to see the freaks disguised as normal people in LA. Lots of laughs had at the expense of others: like the guy lying on the lounge, talking on his cell, pulling out his wadded bills and papers out of his pocket and laying them on his stomach. Or the guys walking together who I insist were twins, but who Heather insists were boyfriend/boyfriend. Yeah. Weirdness.

Afterwards, we drove to Hollywood Blvd, but turns out everyone and their mother had also decided that this would be a good time to see the Walk of Fame so they joined us. We decided against parking and walking around (mostly because that would have required us to turn around and sit in stopped traffic on Hollywood Blvd. to get to the parking garage), so we just drove through quickly and headed to Beverly Hills.

I had been looking forward to walking around Beverly Hills because I've never done so. I've only driven through a million times showing people around, then continued driving to Santa Monica to walk around 3rd Street. After stalling Heather's car in the middle of the absolute scariest intersection in the world as the light turned red, we drove around in awe and jealousy at the beauty of most of the houses there. Really amazing. We made our way to Rodeo Drive and I was intent on finding a place to park to allow us to walk. Well, turns out that everyone from Hollywood followed us to Beverly Hills and stole all the parking spots. I drove into what looked like a regular underground parking garage, but turned out to be only valet - which required me to drive up a VERY steep hill to get out. Because I don't drive a stick shift all the time, hills and I are not friends when I do. The stench of Heather's clutch was a good indication of that as I made my way out without rolling backwards into the car behind me OR stalling. Finally parked in a normal spot and walked around long enough for me to pee, Heather to get a tea, and me to ask for directions to the quickest way back to the freeway, which turned out to be excellent.

Dropped Heather off, then made my way home. Fun times.

Today was church, then home, then work. Crazy night tonight - makes me both ecstatic and totally sad at the same time that I will no longer be working there. I love it and I dislike it so much both at the same time. I guess that means there are definitely some things I will not miss at all, but there is also TONS that I'm going to be very sad to be away from. Sunday night has become such a family that invites in new members every week - that I get to become friends with. Feeds my social needs, but they don't stick around longer than a night so it's very compatible for a commitment-phobe like myself.

The rest of the weekend was spent dealing with ebay. Turns out this weekend alone I sold more than 60 items, and am now having to ship it all out - what a concept!! I'm a really organized person anyway, so that part is simple. It's the actual pain of going to the post office I hate. Glad to be getting rid of all the CDs and books I've been selling, even if I'm barely earning any money off it. Feel like I'm purging a part of myself I've been hanging on to for way too long. And am glad other people want to take that part away from me for a small fee.

Next weekend is full of bridal showers (yippee!) and dancing with Heather so that H & H can visit Hermosa and the Lighthouse again before I leave. Although it won't be the last, it feels like it's a sort of send-off for me before I move 4 hours away. Watch out, here we come.


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