Saturday, April 02, 2005

I don't care what you say anymore, this is my life

My problem is this: I don't carry around a pad of paper and a writing utensil to write down all of the random things that happen to me - thus, I go 2 weeks without blogging like now. I DID just get myself a brand new $20 purse from Ross that is ginormous, so is therefore plenty roomy enough for me to carry around said pad of paper and writing utensil. Maybe I will start a new habit.

So, to make up for lost time, I'm going to simply list random things and my thoughts on them. AND, while I'm at it, I will also list the random things that have happened to me in the last 2 weeks as they come to mind.

Pope John Paul, II has died. He became Pope the same year I was born, thus making him the only Pope I have ever been alive for. I am not Catholic, but can appreciate all of the wonderful things he has accomplished on behalf of preserving Catholic faith and tradition, and also for humankind as a whole. The thing I don't get is this: If this man is the holiest of holy men, and was kind of the Spokesman for God for the last 26 years - then he's assuredly going to heaven, right? So why is everyone so stinkin' sad?!?!? All the Catholics of the world should be rejoicing and having a big 'ole party for his entrance into the pearly gates!!! So stop weeping and turn that frown upside down - he sure isn't crying, is he???
(For the record, I am not saying the Pope is or isn't in heaven - but the Catholics probably do, so this was just a little encouragement for them... okay? Done now.)

How come people with long nose hair don't trim it? Do they not see it when they look in the mirror? I once saw a guy with the absolute LONGEST nose hair anyone has ever had - I spotted it while traveling in the lane next to him on the FREEWAY - at least 8 feet away. It was like two shrubs were growing upside down out of his brain. Insanity.

Last night at the gym, there was a girl who stood in front of the mirror fixing her hair next to the track while I made at least three laps around. Then she proceded to "jog". At least in her own way - she was wearing what I can only describe as ballet slippers, and it was not so much a jog, as a type of hopping someone would do while avoiding puddles, or small animals. Very strange.

I have the cutest nephew in the WORLD. And yes, I will take anyone on who tries to disagree. My (older) sister is afraid to have another, for fear that they will be nowhere near as cute as he is. I assured her that cute kids run in our family, and that as studies will show, the kids in our family only get cuter with each new one. (Note: I am the youngest of 3 and I am definitely the cutest). So she should put all her fears aside and get working on #2.

I went to Newport Beach yesterday. This made me very happy. The traffic on my way home, however, did not. Why is there now traffic on the 91 Freeway 24/7?!?!?

I have edited my Cabo post to tell a very funny story about Heather. Please read it.

I purchased Finding Neverland today. If you read my Oscar post, you'll know why this makes my day very special.

I realize that admitting you are wrong or when you've done something stupid is a very hard thing to do. VERY hard. There have been many times I've had to put my pride away and face the harsh reality that I was an idiot for doing (or not doing) something. WHY IS THIS SO HARD FOR PEOPLE TO DO!?!?!? I had an experience this week at work that was so utterly ridiculous (and so obviously not MY FAULT as time revealed) and so obviously the result of one person's stupidity, but this person absolutely refused to admit it or accept responsibility. Instead, this person expected me to clean up their mess when it was so out of the realm of possibility for me to do anything about it. I really wish I could tell the story, but I know better than to burn any bridges - which is also the reason I could not tell this person how completely RETARDED they were. Good lesson in biting my tongue this week.


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