Wednesday, April 06, 2005

City of Sorrows

So, a few weeks ago I had a really fantastic incredibly good day. Unfortunately TODAY was pretty much no where near good and incredibly fantastically bad. And even more unfortunately is that it (almost) all had to do with things at work. This is unfortunate mostly because I truly LOVE my job. But today was proof that no job is perfect, and no really great job is great all the time.

It woke up this morning completely puffy and bloated - the 2nd of 3 days a month this happens. Yay for being a girl. This means the outfit I had planned to wear would not be satisfactory and somehow the only thing I could even conceive of wearing was the EXACT SAME THING I wore on Monday (FYI:today is Wednesday). I'm not kidding - I wore the same outfit: black pinstripe pants, t-shirt, black cardigan and little black heels. I did change the t-shirt, so maybe no one noticed. I don't really care if they did. It was an emergency and I had an early staff meeting to go to.

After the staff meeting (which was really really great, but they always are. See? I even love my staff meetings, that's how much I love my job), my day went from hopeful to CRAP in 0.6 seconds. My phone literally never stopped ringing, and every time I answered it, it was some new issue someone had that had to be dealt with yesterday. blah. Go away. There is also new protocol just instituted for some reason that makes me go through about 10 more steps than I was before which is completely annoying. Our network kept shutting down all day which automatically puts me on edge and no internet makes me cranky. And I had to work on something completely last minute all day that was completely annoying for so many reasons.

It was this last instance that made me realize that I was literally being attacked by evil forces. I'm not a whiner, and nor do I usually voice my frustrations about work AT work. But at about 4:15 I realized that something was at work against me... and it was winning. So I shut my mouth and apologized to my co-workers at the end of the day for having to listen to me complain.

Mr. Miagi: "Ahhh, Holly-son. So many things to learn. Have patience. I will teach you."

Yeah, somehow today I forgot the whole wax-on/wax-off stuff and went right to complaining about how painting the fence just left my arms sore. Look closer. You're being stretched, taught, and tested. And you're cracking under the pressure. Get over your hurts and use what you're learning to your advantage. It sucks when you're in the middle of it, because you can't see the big picture yet.

The process is necessary. Don't let the process beat you.


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