Sunday, April 17, 2005

Come What May

After several months of thinking, considering and praying, I have finally decided to move to Vegas. It has been on my mind for a very long time now, but I loved my job too much to leave it, and if I couldn't even consider being 3 1/2 hours away from my nephew without crying. But there's never going to be a perfect time for it, and now is as good as it's gonna get. I'm single, I have a very low paying job, I have no huge commitments here, I'll have more opportunity out there in the field I want to head towards, and my parents are there. Most of my friends are now married and either have or are close to having kids, and as much as I love them - we're just not as close as we once were. For good reason, don't get me wrong. But I just think it's a good decision for me, and I am completely excited about what's ahead.

It wasn't a decision I exactly asked for a lot of opinion on, other than my family. They are completely supportive and I wouldn't even consider relocating if any of them had doubts about it. My sister has promised to come visit me often, and I will do the same. She's also promised to send me pictures ALL THE TIME (right, Wen?) of The Thumb so that I don't feel so far.

Work was shocked. My boss, though not totally shocked because we had discussed the opportunity my job provided for me to grow in a few months ago, and the conclusion we came to was none, was still visibly upset which honestly kind of made me feel good. All of my coworkers are still finding out, but the reaction has been more of the same.

Friends are mixed. Some saw it coming, but are still surprised that I've finally done it. Others feel like it came out of left field.

EVERYONE wants to know what I'll do for work and where I'll live. Answers? No idea and I'll crash in my parent's extra bedroom for a few weeks until I find employment and an apartment. I've already got my name in at a few places to live, and I hope to start interviewing before I move if possible in order to start working right away. I gave work a month's notice, but expecting it to be 5 weeks. So we're looking at the end of May.

Watch out Vegas, here I come.


Blogger Scott said...

This was interesting, I think I know how you felt. There will never be a ideal time to move but if its for a better opportunity then what exist now then go for it.

5:37 AM  

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