Monday, June 13, 2005

Work it all out this lifetime

My escrow is supposed to close this week. But yeah, I've been told that before. I've had the walk-through and apparently we're just waiting for one more piece of paperwork to come through until we sign our lives away on the condo. This Saturday should be move-in day. Let's hope!

I made 3 trips to the RC Willey outlet store in about 18 hours this weekend to buy furniture. The first trip was Friday night but my mom and I were unaware they had decided to close early in order to prepare for the Saturday and Sunday's huge sale -- we thought it started on Friday. Whoops. So early we went on Saturday morning, got there at 7:45 and stood in line with everyone else. We thought it was a pretty good crowd until one of the workers told me it was nothing compared to their April sale. Dang... missed that one. Third trip was back with Fred in order to pick up the furniture that wouldn't fit in the Magnum--and it barely fit in his truck. We had to pull over twice on I-15 as we drove home because the mattresses kept sliding off. Ahhhh, fun times. But I wound up getting some amazing deals on some really great furniture, so it was all worth it. Now if I could just MOVE IN, then my furniture could stop being piled up in the guest room at my parent's house--also known as my room.

I've had 4 interviews since Friday, each one for a completely different job, and none for a job that is quite what I was looking for. I really liked both that I interviewed today for, so we'll see.

Tomorrow night David Sedaris is going to be in town at Borders signing copies of his book and leading a "discussion". Not exactly sure what that means, but I'm hoping he'll read a story or two. No one can read a story like the author can, and the one I saw him read on Letterman last year has been implanted forever in my brain. He is one of my favorites and my mom and I have enjoyed sharing his books back and forth, cracking up over his tales and adventures. I'm looking forward to it, although I'm not big on autographs, and I don't really have anything to ask him. But should be fun in any event.

Wednesday morning mom and I take off for California for a night to visit the Thumb, and the Pinky... My sister-in-law just found out she's pregnant, so Pinky is what we've tentatively called the little one. My brother is completely over the moon about the pregnancy, and Rachael, though she is excited in her own little way, she's more concerned over the actual "being pregnant" part. We all know she'll be an amazing mom, but being a pregnant woman is going to be an interesting hurdle for her to get over. It still seems so surreal, I can't believe it yet.

Babies, books, interviews, and patience.... The stuff life is made of.


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