Friday, June 24, 2005

Lovely Day

Life is interesting.

Right now I'm babysitting someone's desk while they're at lunch. This person is the secretary for someone very important where I work. The owner, to be exact. But babysitting the desk requires sitting here staring at a computer, and answering the phone that just might ring once if I'm lucky. Today is my first day babysitting, and I realized this gives me an hour each day to catch up on my blogging. Lucky you!!

It's Day 3 of my new job and I've only just met my boss today. He shook my hand and said "who are you?" Always the welcoming I hope for. I think we'll get along just fine.

I'm waiting for my cell phone to ring to tell me I can move in tonight. If not, I'll be crashing at dear Timi's house while visiting family takes over the guest room (otherwise known as my room for the past month).

I work with a guy who is scared of beans. At lunch today he actually asked the waitress to take his plate back so she scrape off the beans. She brought him an extra plate so he could do it himself, which he did, then covered them with his napkin. Too many "beans, beans good for the heart" jokes as a kid?

This morning on the radio they were discussing words which are hard for people to pronounce. Words like linoleum, aluminum, worchteshire--those I can understand. But then there were words like enemy, oil and tool that some people just could not pronounce. I also work with a girl who pronounces "miscellaneous" as "misckelaneous". It drives me crazy to no end, and I think "has she never heard it said the correct way with a silent "c"?" But after I heard the people this morning, I realized maybe she is a member of a much larger group out there that I've never been a part of. People who can't pronounce common words.

I've recently gotten two shout-outs on Brian's blog so I feel the need to return the favor. His blog is a lot like mine--just the daily things that happen which are amusing/entertaining/boring/random... Take your pick. Disclaimer: I've never met Brian. I don't know who he is. I don't even know where he lives. Therefore I take no responsibility for the content of his blog. Not that anyone who reads my blog actually needs a disclaimer, but I've recently had several people "stumble" upon my blog lately, so I'm putting it out there. Brian, for instance, "stumbled" upon it. How does one do that? I'd be interested to know.


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