Monday, August 01, 2005

Never You Mind

I have been ultra clutzy lately. Or maybe I had a streak of grace and am now getting back to my usual clumsy self. I tripped leaving the theater on Sunday. I almost died this morning as I tripped over a hanger. I almost twisted my ankle today as I left my mom's house. It's getting ugly.

Yesterday I took three of the dogs to the dog park and witnessed an older gentleman with plastic bags tied around his shoes scream at his toy poodle for stepping in crap, then proceed to wash the dog in the drinking fountain all the while still screaming about the poop. Weirdo.

This weekend I watched Cold Mountain for the first time since seeing it in the theatre. I was reminded about one of my favorite lines in a movie: "They call this war a cloud over the land. But they made the weather and then they stand in the rain and say, shit it's raining." Love it.

I agreed to go see March of the Penguins with my mom. Never heard of it? Go see it. It's a National Geographic movie about Antarctic penguins. Sounds boring, I know. It's truly amazing, and touching, and I will never look at Chilly Willy the same again.

I went to a Dierks Bentley concert Friday night. Actually I was there to see the opening band, Hank Floyd, who are friends of mine. The best part? Having a view of the House of Blues audience from backstage towards the end of the show after copious amounts of alcohol had been consumed and old ladies shook their groove thangs to the tunes of Dierks. Worst part? Remembering I used to love the same music that now drives me crazy. That, and the fact that I was at a sold-out concert by a guy named Dierks.


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