Friday, July 29, 2005

Bad, Bad Leroy Brown

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I'm a day late on my review, but better late than never:

I loved it.

That's really all that has to be said, isn't it? I had been so excited to see this movie and was not disappointed at all. I could go on and on about the pairing of Jonny Depp and Tim Burton and the promise that it will definitely be at least an interesting film. And how I read all about the movie beforehand and was not expecting it to be anything like the original, except for the major stuff. I could say all this stuff. But I won't.

I will however mention a few things that bugged me. Charlie's family and the Factory were located in England. I don't believe this was ever stated, however because of the accents of the family and the people in the town, I understood it to be true. Also, when Charlie found the money on the ground he used to buy his last chocolate bar, it wasn't American money. However when Charlie found the Golden Ticket, two people, a man and a woman each offered him to buy it off of him--in dollars. Now, coincidentally, neither of these people had English accents. What the heck is he going to use dollars for???? He could go trade them in for Euros or whatever he felt like... but why would they offer him dollars?? This irritated me.

Also, little Veruca Salt had an english accent like in the original. However, when she said the word "squirrel", it didn't sound English, American, Danish, German, or Swahilan... no idea what it sounded like but it also irritated me.

Ending on a good note, my favorite line from the movie had to be "Well, I couldn't very well watch the show from up there, little girl." Cracked me up.


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