Friday, July 29, 2005

He Could Make a Living Selling Cars, Maybe She Could Work There

A few bits of randomness from the past two days:

Yesterday I took a phone call from Donald Trump's assistant. Apparently the Trumpmeister was waiting to speak to my boss, only when the assistant called, I answered the phone like I normally would and said my name. When she replied, she repeated my name and said what seemed to be a million miles a minute "Mr. Trump is holding for...." But what caught me is that she said my name back to me in a very friendly tone, so my mind got stuck on trying to figure out who this was, and I didn't pay attention to who she said was holding. When I asked her to repeat the name, she paused a moment and said "... Donald... Trump..." Good thing I can laugh at myself. And I did.

Last night I was trying to decide what to make for dinner and decided Rice a Roni Spanish Rice sounded perfect. Got out the pan, put the butter in, poured out the rice, stirred it a second.... and there were worms. Worms in my rice. At least three of them. Needless to say, I didn't have rice last night.

This morning I looked out my back window and noticed a HUGE spray of water shooting up into the air. Upon further inspection, I realized that it was a sprinkler that had gone awry and was shooting water at least 20 feet into the air. I never knew sprinklers could do that.

Today I took a call from the Governor of Kansas, again for my boss. I was expecting the Governor to call, and knew the Governor's name and what time they were scheduled to call at. Why is it that I assumed the Governor would be male? When she stated her name, I asked her to repeat it just to be sure who she was. At that moment I felt as if I wasn't doing my part to support women's rights. Shame on me.

Now, I do realize that 2 out of 4 of these instances involve me and misunderstanding the person on the phone. In my defense, her voice was very quiet, and she does have a complicated last name. Trump and the Governor aside, I am actually very good on the phones, and am a stellar assistant. Ask anyone. I dare you.


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