Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Crazy For You

Wow, I'm lagging but I absolutely have to catch up on my weekend with a few words.

First of all--Paul and Andrea if you EVER read this EVER in your lifetime, please know that I love you very much and I hope you get married and name your firstborn after me. Seriously. Actually, just name them all after me. I deserve it.

So I had friends visit me this weekend from home. (Weird how I still call it home sometimes...). Good time. They were my first official houseguests, and I was excited to have them come.

Short version is that I experienced probably the ultimate single person's nightmare as I helped facilitate a romantic evening between two people who were celebrating a ridiculous (in my opinion) anniversary. It started out innocently enough, but turned into something much bigger when I realized that the guy really needed help. It amazes me why every guy doesn't have a close girl friend to advise on situations. You need them. Trust me.

The whole evening involved me breaking into his car to put roses on her seat, make dinner reservations, buy gondola ride tickets, then stay to take pictures of the happy couple. I'm not too disappointed that not one single picture turned out--but I'm not bitter.

Again--love you guys.


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