Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I'd Like a Million of You All to Myself

Here are a few stupid things I did today.

I took my dog for a walk, and like always, took a bag with me in case I needed to clean up after him. I was walking him over to pick up the mail, so I stuck the bag in my back pocket -- then forgot about it. I went and ran errands, went to the store, etc... and had this plastic bag sticking out my back pocket the entire time.

It doesn't sound so strange, but seriously. If you saw someone walking around with a plastic bag sticking out of their back pocket, wouldn't you think it was a little odd??

Second stupid thing, as I came back I was really thirsty. I usually have a multitude of bottles of water around the house because I tend to be thirsty a lot. I grabbed one that was closest, which was still kind of off to the side. After I downed what remained in the bottle and put the cap back on, I realized I had set it off to the side near the trash can to remind myself to throw it away. It was the same bottle I had taken to the dog park and let the dogs all drink out of. Yummy.

There's still a few hours in the day left. There's time for more.


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