Monday, August 29, 2005

Hold me closer Tiny Dancer

Things observed at this weekend's Dave Matthews concert:

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If you wave at a truck load of guys and you're on the street driving towards the venue, there's a good chance the guys are going to be there too.

If a frisbee lands near your feet while you're sitting in the parking lot, then there's a good chance the frisbee came from one of the guys in the truck you waved at 20 mins earlier.

Holly: "We need some cups. We can't drink those from the bottle here"
Heather: "Let me look in my trunk"
Holly: "What? Why?"
Heather: "I might have some cups back there"
Holly: "Why would you have cups in your trunk"
Heather: "You never know"

(45 seconds later Heather pulls out at least 5 different cups. Real cups. Not plastic or styrofoam ones.)

Holly: "Why in the world do you have CUPS in your TRUNK??"
Heather: "One never knows.... ew, that one had something funky in it. Definitely not that one....."

It's really unfair how guys get to pee in any convenient container at basically anytime they need to go, while a girl can't just squat in a crowded parking lot without attracting a lot of attention to herself. I was really envious of this fact until I spotted the "pee jug" and decided I would never want to pee into a jug that my 3 best buddies had gone in before me. That's just gross.

The field at the Home Depot Center is currently covered in sand and this really pissed me off. For some reason I felt the need to express my anger to the pretzel guy, although surprisingly enough, he didn't care too much about the sand, nor do I think he even knew what I was saying. I was still pissed, though. They still had the plastic floor down so it wasn't like I was walking in sand all night. It was still annoying everytime I reached the end and had to walk in sand to get to the stairs.

I didn't fall this year on the plastic floor. Maybe that says something about the state I was in as compared to last year, or maybe I've gained more coordination and grace. ehhh... probably not.

Jason Mraz opened up and only did one song that most people know. My thinking is: if you've got 3 songs where there's a good chance most of the people know them, wouldn't you sing those 3 songs?? He didn't even do his most recent single, but instead sang his FIRST single. Strange. Heather still loves his voice, though.

If you've got a polo shirt on with the collar pulled up, black plastic sunglasses with bright purple sides circa 1989 when neon was hip, and yellow flip flops that say "corona" all over them, there's a good chance you're drunk. If this is the case, do us all a favor and provide us with continued entertainment through all the boring parts before the show starts so that we have something to do. Because it really was entertaining, and your dancing isn't so awful that it's annoying.

If you in the purple sunglasses and yellow flip flops decide later in the show to go get beers for you and your buddies, make sure you try to remember where you're sitting so that you're not walking up the aisle screaming "SHAWWWWNN! SHAAAWWWWNN!" while the headliner is playing. That's annoying.

Apparently Sublime is some good music for Holly to get up and groove to while waiting for the opener to come on. Without any shame at all, I was shakin' it. Heather loved it. She did.

When the couple next to you leave their seats for whatever reason during the show, this is the perfect time to let it all out and dance up a storm. Which I did. Also shamelessly. The song was "Dancing Nancies" after all, and for those 6 minutes my name was Nancy and I was dancin'.

When the same couple comes back to their seat, it's a good idea to remember the invisible boundaries that are around you when you're dancing so that you're not getting dirty looks. Hey, if you leave during the set, then decide to come back, you gotta give me a few minutes to readjust to my limited space. Leave me alone.

If, upon leaving the venue, you're in need of a Del Taco, my advice is to not ask the traffic control guy. If you do, he's probably going to say something like "I don't know where Del Taco is but I know where 7-eleven is. You could go there and ask them." ummm... that's okay. Thanks. Weirdo.

Del Taco tastes really good after a Dave show.


Blogger The Baxter said...

amen to dave and del taco!

6:54 PM  

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