Thursday, June 30, 2005

Enjoy the Silence

Inspired by Brian, I've now added links to my blog. There will be more added soon, but that's all my brain could think of at the moment. This is also my first attempt at blogging to my email address instead of having to open up blogger everytime and I signed up for audioblogger. I'm feeling VERY technical right now.

Question of the Day:
If a guy says "look at your pretty pink shoes!" Does that automatically mean he's gay?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Hurts so good

Sorry if you've already read this in a mass email I wrote today, but this is the best description of how I feel this morning-- like I ran 300 miles while doing arm presses with 100 pound weights the entire way yesterday. I think it was 294 degrees at my condo yesterday afternoon.

I'm beat. My legs are killing me and I'm in desperate need of a massage--I'll even let you touch my feet, I so don't care right now.

And while you're at it, can you go ahead and put everything that is piled in my living room and closet in its rightful place? That would be great, thanks.

But ohhhhh, all the pain was worth it just to sleep in my new bed last night. The. Best. Thing. Ever.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I believe in miracles

Just got word that I can pick up my keys today. I am slightly excited.

Only slightly.

Now we're getting all the people in place to help us out and I'm realizing that I have tons of crap to throw into trash bags to haul the whole mile over to my new place--it's gonna be a long night.

I'm gonna pee my pants I'm so excited.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Waiting for summer, his pastures to change

I just looked and realized they've posted my seat location for Dave's show in August. They're the best seats I've had in a while, so that's something to look forward to. Hopefully this time I won't fall and hopefully this time there won't be a strange drunk girl who throws up next to Heather while she holds her hair. I'm bringing Heather as a belated birthday gift, so hopefully the night will be AMAZING.

Speaking of concerts, Jonny Lang is coming to town August 18th. I'd better have a friend or two by then that I can drag with me. Otherwise there will be a desperate plea on my blog for anyone to come with me. Actually, I'm buying general admission tickets, so that won't be as bad as a seated situation... but what the heck. I'll throw it out there anyway.

If anyone is going to be in Las Vegas on August 18th and wants to come with me to the House of Blues to see a great show, leave me a comment and we'll work it out. I genuinely appreciate a good show, and his is. Read about my last experience seeing Jonny here and the one before that here.

We'll turn this better thing to the best

I'm in a different kind of mood right now. I had two margaritas at dinner--but that was like, 3 hours ago so I'm not feeling tipsy. I'm tired but wanting to go out. I'm comfortable but not settled. I'm reflective but looking forward to whatever's next...

The family is watching one of the Blue Comedy Tour's shows on TV. I'm sitting here with my iPod firmly planted in my ears enjoying my favorite playlist: "Lyrics I should have written". Right now it's "Say Goodbye" by Dave Matthews Band. If you're familiar with the lyrics, then you should probably know this is an appropriate song for me.

Moving Day is being planned for Tuesday. I'm okay with that, except that since the guest room is reserved for visiting fam, I'm living out of a duffel bag for a few days. I'm anxious to get in there. Actually, that's an understatement, but we'll leave it at that.

Tonight we were entertained at my nephew Chris's death scenes into the pool. He's 4 but looks like he's at least 7 -- I need to post a new pic of him, but there are some in one of my Christmas blogs. He enjoys being the center of attention, just like any normal 4 year old. Tonight he was sitting on my step-sister Diane's lap in the jacuzzi and matter of factly said "I just peed in the cajuzzi" (yes, that's how he says it). Needless to say, she was thrilled with that bit of information as we all had a good laugh--mostly because none of the rest of us were in the cajuzzi with them at the time.

Tonight we all stuffed our faces at Famous Dave's BBQ Pit. Diane and I are both vegetarians, although she eats fish and I eat bacon, so we managed to make it through the meal without any mocking from the staff there--even though I only had a baked potato and salad. The towlette I got on my plate said "We like vegetarians. They make us laugh". Pretty much sums that up, I guess. Diane gave me hers which said "Get sauced".

Apparently she doesn't know that two margaritas is me just getting started.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Lovely Day

Life is interesting.

Right now I'm babysitting someone's desk while they're at lunch. This person is the secretary for someone very important where I work. The owner, to be exact. But babysitting the desk requires sitting here staring at a computer, and answering the phone that just might ring once if I'm lucky. Today is my first day babysitting, and I realized this gives me an hour each day to catch up on my blogging. Lucky you!!

It's Day 3 of my new job and I've only just met my boss today. He shook my hand and said "who are you?" Always the welcoming I hope for. I think we'll get along just fine.

I'm waiting for my cell phone to ring to tell me I can move in tonight. If not, I'll be crashing at dear Timi's house while visiting family takes over the guest room (otherwise known as my room for the past month).

I work with a guy who is scared of beans. At lunch today he actually asked the waitress to take his plate back so she scrape off the beans. She brought him an extra plate so he could do it himself, which he did, then covered them with his napkin. Too many "beans, beans good for the heart" jokes as a kid?

This morning on the radio they were discussing words which are hard for people to pronounce. Words like linoleum, aluminum, worchteshire--those I can understand. But then there were words like enemy, oil and tool that some people just could not pronounce. I also work with a girl who pronounces "miscellaneous" as "misckelaneous". It drives me crazy to no end, and I think "has she never heard it said the correct way with a silent "c"?" But after I heard the people this morning, I realized maybe she is a member of a much larger group out there that I've never been a part of. People who can't pronounce common words.

I've recently gotten two shout-outs on Brian's blog so I feel the need to return the favor. His blog is a lot like mine--just the daily things that happen which are amusing/entertaining/boring/random... Take your pick. Disclaimer: I've never met Brian. I don't know who he is. I don't even know where he lives. Therefore I take no responsibility for the content of his blog. Not that anyone who reads my blog actually needs a disclaimer, but I've recently had several people "stumble" upon my blog lately, so I'm putting it out there. Brian, for instance, "stumbled" upon it. How does one do that? I'd be interested to know.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Put my thing down flip it and reverse it

I start my new job tomorrow. I'm still not exactly sure what I'll be doing or even what my title is. Oh well. I haven't stressed about any factor in this moving thing, so why start now?

I do find it interesting that I've had 3 more places call me to come fill out an application and/or test for a position. I still feel good about my decision... Not fantastic, but good. Not too excited about the low pay, but I figure I know no one here anyway, so a second part-time job wouldn't be a big issue.

I did get hit on during my orientation today. He'll be working in the deli. Pretty sure he's like, 18, but maybe he likes older women. He showed me a tatoo of a pit bull on his arm. This pit bull apparently saved his life during a drive by when he knocked him down and took the bullet. I'll say it again--people in Vegas are strange.

Or maybe the deli just found it's newest customer...

Monday, June 20, 2005

Skyrockets in flight

It's a known fact that I'm a reality show lover. Not all... but most, I'm ashamed to admit.

But it still worries me that I am excited that there's only 20 minutes left until the new season of Airline starts. One of the greatest reality shows EVER.

Ohhhhh, life is good.

Friday, June 17, 2005

I'm not the only one

I've just been sitting here reflecting on the past week and it's been a bit of a rollercoaster.

In a nutshell: We found out the family has another baby on the way, but as I type this, we're not sure if she's carrying or not. We'll know for sure on Tuesday--just praying until then.

Got to meet David Sedaris and hear him read a few stories. Fantastic. He shared a story with my mom and I about a guy he had just met who was a maintenance worker at a casino who told him that people will be so desperate not to leave their slot machines that they will actually crap themselves. Random? Yes. Thank you, David Sedaris for that fascinating bit of information.

Quick trip to California to visit the fam was great. Great timing or horrible timing depending on how you look at it. The Thumb was teething, and his final tooth (for now) broke through the day after we left. He was a crabby boy who couldn't be soothed for most of our time with him, but he's a baby so we forgave him. It was perfect timing to just "be there". Nice how that happens.

Decisions about jobs that are not fun to make. I'm just hoping I make the right one.

Huge disappointment with escrow. Had to reschedule the crew and gear myself up for a few more days of waiting... and waiting...

Hardly any calls from friends this week. That makes me sad.

People who need people

Las Vegas is a strange town with strange people.

Today I was having my car serviced when one of the mechanics burst through the door saying "there's a baby in that car!". The service manager asked the couple whose car it was if they had left a baby in the back, in a rather urgent tone. The gentleman said "Yes! Is he awake?!?" As if it was perfectly okay to let a sleeping baby stay in the back of a car while it's being serviced in the garage. Of course it is...

Today I was outside the Human Resources office at a local hotel when I met a very nice woman who attempted to compliment me when told me she thought I looked like I had just graduated high school, but who I think was insulted by it instead when she found out I was 26. One would assume she was applying for a job since she was sitting outside of the HR office, but based on the way she was dressed, you would understand that I had to actually ASK if that's what she was doing. I swear, I think I've been given interviews here simply because I wasn't wearing clothing that revealed any part of any type of undergarments I might be wearing. The woman today told me she was 43 years old and couldn't believe how competitive the job market was in Las Vegas. Assuming she had recently moved to town like I had, I asked her how long she had lived here. She informed me she was born and raised here-- which made me wonder why the job search was such a shock to her, especially at 43 years of age. She was applying for a hostess position in order to get her "foot in the door". I hope she got it.

One trend I've noticed here amongst 99% of the population is how alarmingly self-involved everyone is. It's widely known that Las Vegasians are horrible drivers, and I now realize it's because they just don't care about anyone else but themselves. There have been numerous times I have been walking through the grocery store where someone has left their cart in the middle of the aisle, while they look at canned peaches, without a care that they might be blocking it for the person behind them. Or someone slowly wanders around or just stops while gazing up--without even thinking that they might want to be considerate and move slightly over to make room for someone else... It's driving me crazy!! And my observations are not limited to only those who eat--but those who shop at Target, WalMart, Petsmart, or who simply have two feet and walk anywhere in public...

I know this probably sounds a little nit-picky and irrational. It doesn't make me question my decision to move here, or make me like the city any less... But Vegas is weird. And the people are weirder.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Which one will make the cut?

A qualifier about the following post: I used to have a life. Really, I did.

Sunday morning I woke up after the concert feeling not so great. I took a shower and had every intention of going to church, but instead I caught up with my mom on the news about Rachael and the baby on the way. Time got away from me, so I decided to flip on the TV to see what Sunday mornings has to offer.

This past Sunday morning offered something very very special. I spent my ENTIRE Sunday watching every single episode of America's Next Top Model, Season One. Every. Single. Episode.

And you know what? I can't even begin to remember the last day I sat on my butt and did absolutely nothing, and it felt fabulous. And not only did I get to zone out the entire day, but I got to think about nothing else other than Adrianne, Shannon, Robin, Elyse, and the rest of the girls and see them go through the ups and downs of the cutthroat modeling world. Okay, so it's more drama amongst the girls than in the actual competition, but whatever. The show fascinates me, and having never seen Season One, I was more than happy to endulge myself.

In case anyone's interested, they're casting for Season 5 right now.... But what I want to see is a "Where Are They Now?" special... Did any of the other girls break into modeling? Did Elyse finish medical school? Did Shannon ever see her dream guy again?? Ahhhhh, the agony and the suspense!!!

Ehhhh... I'm over it.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Work it all out this lifetime

My escrow is supposed to close this week. But yeah, I've been told that before. I've had the walk-through and apparently we're just waiting for one more piece of paperwork to come through until we sign our lives away on the condo. This Saturday should be move-in day. Let's hope!

I made 3 trips to the RC Willey outlet store in about 18 hours this weekend to buy furniture. The first trip was Friday night but my mom and I were unaware they had decided to close early in order to prepare for the Saturday and Sunday's huge sale -- we thought it started on Friday. Whoops. So early we went on Saturday morning, got there at 7:45 and stood in line with everyone else. We thought it was a pretty good crowd until one of the workers told me it was nothing compared to their April sale. Dang... missed that one. Third trip was back with Fred in order to pick up the furniture that wouldn't fit in the Magnum--and it barely fit in his truck. We had to pull over twice on I-15 as we drove home because the mattresses kept sliding off. Ahhhh, fun times. But I wound up getting some amazing deals on some really great furniture, so it was all worth it. Now if I could just MOVE IN, then my furniture could stop being piled up in the guest room at my parent's house--also known as my room.

I've had 4 interviews since Friday, each one for a completely different job, and none for a job that is quite what I was looking for. I really liked both that I interviewed today for, so we'll see.

Tomorrow night David Sedaris is going to be in town at Borders signing copies of his book and leading a "discussion". Not exactly sure what that means, but I'm hoping he'll read a story or two. No one can read a story like the author can, and the one I saw him read on Letterman last year has been implanted forever in my brain. He is one of my favorites and my mom and I have enjoyed sharing his books back and forth, cracking up over his tales and adventures. I'm looking forward to it, although I'm not big on autographs, and I don't really have anything to ask him. But should be fun in any event.

Wednesday morning mom and I take off for California for a night to visit the Thumb, and the Pinky... My sister-in-law just found out she's pregnant, so Pinky is what we've tentatively called the little one. My brother is completely over the moon about the pregnancy, and Rachael, though she is excited in her own little way, she's more concerned over the actual "being pregnant" part. We all know she'll be an amazing mom, but being a pregnant woman is going to be an interesting hurdle for her to get over. It still seems so surreal, I can't believe it yet.

Babies, books, interviews, and patience.... The stuff life is made of.

Arena Rocks

Well, I've officially lived the "single life". Or maybe I'm just not used to being the New Girl in Town. I consider myself a very independent person. I am comfortable doing most things by myself: eating at a restaurant, going to the movies, I'm usually alone when I drive, and I'm usually alone at home. But I did something Saturday night that I'm just not comfortable with: I went to a concert by myself.

Totally. Alone.

It sucked.

I was 100% sure ahead of time that it would suck being alone. But there was a little tiny sliver of hope in me that something would happen to totally change my mind--it's the optimist in me. Maybe I was hoping to magically get a front row seat. I could just picture the ticket guy saying "oh, just one? Well, we have a seat front and center for the first person to come to my window by themselves!! And on top of that, here's a backstage pass, a dozen roses and your personal butler, masseuse, and maid for you to use all day tomorrow in your High Roller Suite here at the
MGM!!!" and he leans closer to whisper "I hear Gavin requested to give that person a private concert so we've taken the liberty of tuning the baby grand in the room. Just a heads-up!"

I would graciously accept all of the gifts and take my escort by the arm down to the front where my seat was perfectly placed next to an amazingly gorgeous guy whose girlfriend happened to have gotten drunk the night before and married his best friend at The Little White Chapel. But it being his birthday (hence the reason for Vegas in the first place) and he being a huge Gavin fan didn't want to miss the show and he figured it would be a good distraction for his woes. "Besides", he figured, "it's Gavin DeGraw,
John Legend and Maroon 5 ... There's got to be some girl with blond hair and green eyes wearing a super-cute outfit that loves Gavin just as much as I do that would be willing to hang out with me!"

If only...

Just about the only part of that story that actually happened was a girl with blond hair and green eyes wearing a super-cute outfit who loves Gavin... That girl whose only company for the night was Miller Light and her cell phone on which she called people between every set and sent pics of herself to friends letting them know how bored she was. Unfortunately that girl was me and the concert was less than spectacular so it didn't even make up for the fact that she was by herself.

I've thought about it, and I don't think I'm being biased when I say that Gavin put on the best performance of the night. He's engaging, he's funny, he interacts with the crowd, and he sounds amazing. And he was the only performer to even mention the other acts--a definite sign of respect. John Legend sounds great, but not being familiar with any of his songs except for "Ordinary People", it was a little disconnected for me, and he came across super cocky and made me feel like I was priveleged to be allowed to see him perform, going through various snippets of songs he had participated in saying "yeah, that was me" as if I was supposed to be impressed. Whatever. Maroon 5 was a little disappointing, mostly because they didn't really DO anything. And as much as I thought I loved Adam Levine, I thought he sounded like a whining muppet all night--and again, that I should be so thankful to be in his presence. Whatever. At least I knew their music and could enjoy that part of it. The concert was entirely too long (4 1/2 hours) and I didn't mention the opening band,
Low Millions. Mainly because I'm pretty sure they're a flash in the pan kind of band and although they have one song I'd heard before, I doubt I'll be hearing about them again. Who knows? Maybe they'll turn out to sell millions of records and I'll say "oh yeah! I saw them at the MGM when no one knew who they were!"

But I'd rather take the front row seat, the roses, the massage, the suite, and the guy... Call me crazy.

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Me, after the concert--unwashed hair and all....

Sunday, June 05, 2005

When the coyote comes

There is a new addition to my ever-growing family. Wylee joined us the same day I moved to Las Vegas. He came to us from a family that didn't want him anymore, so my mom said we would take him - more precisely that I would take him once I moved in to my new place.

He's a great little guy, so loving and loyal already - he never leaves my side if he can help it. He barks at strangers and sometimes at people he knows. He's a bit antisocial at first, so I think we'll get along just fine. ;) He hasn't had a problem blending in with the 4 other dogs--he makes 5 right now.

Not to get too ooey-gooey, but I think it's kind of symbolic how we both made a new start on the same day. He's amazing and great comic relief, and I am so thankful to have him around.

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He's trading in his Chevy for a Cadillacacacacac...

...Movin' Out

I've officially relocated to Las Vegas. I've quit my job, loaded all my crap into a trailer, said goodbye to my friends and family, and moved to a city where I don't really know anyone other than my parents, don't have a job, and still haven't moved into my own place yet.

Do I sound crazy?

On paper I think I do. But to me, it just seems normal and like the next logical thing I needed to do.

Saying goodbye at work was easier than I thought. There were two potlucks in my honor, which is a weird thing for me: to be the "guest of honor". I don't like people singing Happy Birthday to me, to be acknowledged for anything in any group of people... heck, I don't even want to get married in the traditional way for fear of standing in front of all those people. But the potlucks were a great opportunity to socialize and eat - two of my favorite things. So I didn't complain too much. My last day in the office was surprisingly easy and I wasn't sad at all. That evening was spent at my boss' house saying goodbye to people I had spent so much time at church with. Sunday night was a tough night saying my final final goodbyes to the crew I worked so closely with putting on events every week. We were a good team and I will definitely miss that group of people.

I have some really great friends who showed up on Saturday morning to help me load up all my crap. Seven in all - everyone who said they were going to be there actually showed up. Might be the first time in history that's happened for someone who's moving. It's a very vulnerable thing to have all of your possessions carted off by people and set out on the sidewalk to be loaded onto the trailer or truck. But it went super smoothly and we were done in an hour, with a 15-minute break while we waited for my parents to arrive with the trailer.

The day before The Salvation Army showed up to cart away my table and chairs and one of my couches. I still don't understand why they couldn't take both, as it seems they would want the opportunity to sell both at the same time if they could since they were in great shape and a matching set. But whatever - they told me I could drop it off the next day if I wanted. I asked Randy to do it, but he had a better idea to just leave it on the sidewalk at the end of my street assuming someone would pick it up. It remained there in the same spot for the rest of the day to my embarrassment, but like he said, "no one will know it's yours" and by the time I woke up in the morning, it was gone. *Phew!*

It was a relatively easy process all-in-all. My sister came over with The Thumb on Friday to spend the morning with me as I packed up, had my satellite taken down, and to await the Salvation Army. That provided me with the opportunity to get some pretty cute pics of The Thumb , as well as record his adorable laugh on my phone so I can hear it whenever I want. I miss that kid.

I won't miss Riverside, but I already miss the people. I've been here 2 weeks now and it feels like I've just been on an extended vacation. I still check my work email a few times a day, and am in steady communication with my boss, checking in on how things are going. They've finally hired a replacement for me, and she'll start next week, and they've asked me to help her out via phone and email as much as possible, which I'm happy to do.

As I sit here and type this, my belongings are all still in the trailer waiting to be unloaded to their new home. I hope and pray everyday that the heat has not completely melted my candles and my hard drive. But like my mom says, "if it has, it's not the end of the world." I've been pretty mellow during this time, not stressing out about too much, so that's an easy thing to accept. It's not the end of the world. I haven't gotten a job yet, but it's not the end of the world. My escrow hasn't closed yet, but it's not the end of the world.

But if we have another freakin' heat wave, or if escrow doesn't close this week, or if I don't have a job for another month... the world may end.

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