Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I cross my heart

I've got the need to share a few things with the class. Because I don't think anyone is actually reading any of this, I feel fairly safe divulging a few of my guilty pleasures. In case anyone IS actually reading this, can you please post a comment so that I can quickly delete the embarrassing parts (all) of this post? You can do that at least, can't you?

Here's me and my random brain with three things that completely blow the cover off of any sort of "cool" status I may have possessed at any one time. Not that I consider myself cool in any way EVER, but this will seal the deal and convince anyone who thought I may have had any potential. Boy, were you wrong.

Exhibit A: I get way too excited about a new toothbrush than any human being should. I actually thought about it last night as I was falling asleep (I'm gonna use my new toothbrush tomorrow morning. That'll be fun!). For those taking notes, I use the Crest Spinbrush and it's changed my life. Never before have I owned an electric toothbrush, but I made the big purchase about a year ago and it's been rocking my world ever since. They were on sale recently, so I decided it was time for a new color. You know, to spice things up a bit. I think I bought a dud, tho because I've put 3 sets of batteries in this morning, and it still doesn't work all that great. (For those who are taking notes, 3 sets because one set was already in the toothbrush when I bought it, one set was floating around my junk drawer, so I didn't know if they had been used previously or not, and the 3rd set was new from the package). In any event, my new toothbrush makes me very happy. And it's such a "happy" color: dark pink.

Exhibit B: I've rediscovered a long-lost childhood friend. Smucker's Hard Shell chocolate syrup. It absolutely FASCINATES me, and I find myself wanting to search for things to pour it on, just to eat it off of. For those who don't know the magic that is Smucker's Hard Shell, it is chocolate syrup that looks just like any other in appearance... AT FIRST! But once it is poured on something cold (ie: a big bowl of ice cream or cool whip as I prefer it), it turns into a hard form of chocolate in a matter of mere seconds. So now do you not only have the added FLAVOR of chocolate, but you also have the added CONSISTENCY of chips. Pure perfection. I remember it as always being such a special treat when mom would have a coupon for this magic in a bottle, and now that I have control over what I choose to purchase while shopping, Smucker's Hard Shell always finds its way into my basket.

Exhibit C: And by far the most damaging piece of evidence that I've got no cool in me. I really really REALLY love the movie Pure Country. I KNOW, I KNOW what you're thinking. "huh? Wasn't that that really cheesy movie made with that one guy who sings but can't act?" No, not "Moonlight and Valentino" with my boy Jon Bon Jovi. Pure Country was a gem of a film made way back in 1992 and starred none other than the very talented George Strait as Dusty, the country singer who was tired of the lights, the touring, and the lifestyle that is required of a very popular artist. He decides to leave it all and go back to his roots where he finds himself again and also finds love. He shaves his George Michael-inspired stubble, and cuts his hair, which apparently he learned from Clark Kent, because now no one in his new life reckognizes him as Superman (or Dusty). He enjoys being a normal guy, drinking beer, line dancing, and learning how to rope a horse - all without any responsibilities. Of course his leaving his career behind so suddenly has left his "people" scrambling to keep the fans happy, which is where chaos ensues. Now, if you haven't seen the movie, I don't want to spoil it for you. But it's a great movie about finding out what truly makes you happy, not everyone else.

"You'll always be the miracle that makes my life complete. And as long as there's a breath in me I'll make yours just as sweet"

That's pure lyrical genius, kids. Check it out next time you're browsing your local video store and are looking for a good, clean movie for the family to watch. Or turn on CMT and wait. It'll show up eventually.


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