Friday, October 29, 2004

Day ain't over yet...

I've had another "one of those days". I don't usually take time each evening to sit back and reflect on the day I've just had. I'm used to my life being random and unconventional, so remembering it all would probably make me realize how insane I actually am. But tonight I couldn't help it, and now I'm sitting here spilling it for whoever wants to read it.

For the first time in a week, I slept 5 hours in one stretch. I'd like to thank Vegas, Jill, Mike, and Sean for that. Thanks everyone. I owe you. This is disregarding the 12:30 am phone call from Heather that I let ring to my voicemail. I should never ignore her calls, especially late at night, but I was so excited about sleeping, I couldn't do it. She'd call me again if it was really urgent, right?? Good thing I didn't answer. I checked my voice mail this morning and it was her rambling on and on about a persian person or "pershian pershun" she had met. She must have repeated this phrase about 20 times, and actually pronounced it correctly only once. Good times. Love ya, Heather. This is also disregarding the 5:30 alarm I had set to get my butt up to go to the gym. Yeah... bye bye. Off it went so I could sleep for another couple hours.

As I was getting ready for work, the call from my sister came in. Read the post below to find out how that went. Got to work at about noon after dropping my sister off at work, then left again at 3:30 to go pick her up to get her car. Once we got there, she realized she had left her keys in her other bag, which her husband had taken home. The girl had had a rough day, so I went easy on her, but kicked her out of the car since I still had a ton of work to do. Thursday is always my busy day because I have Fridays off. (She was parked by a Quizno's and was starving anyway, so she went to grab a bite while she waiting for her husband to drive down with the keys... I didn't just leave her stranded).

Got back to work and proceeded to work until 7:30. In that time, checked my bank balance and realized I'm not gonna have any money for two more weeks after rent and bills... Fantastic. Came home, set the vcr to record Mr. Probst and his Survivor gang and headed to the gym. I hadn't gone to the gym at night for a long time, and had forgotten about one character that I used to always see: an elderly gentleman with white hair from head to toe (even his leg hair is white). The hair on his head is in an Elvis-style bouffant, and he's grown it out into a ponytail in the back. He wears super short running shorts and two shirts layered, and his outfits are usually something of the neon variety. He wears sunglasses and a bandana around his neck, which I think officially qualifies as a "kerchief". I have no idea how old he is, but he looks older than dirt. People are funny.

It'd been an interesting day, so I was looking most forward to hitting the steam room after a good workout. Kicked my own butt on the stair climber, elliptical and other things, then eagerly went to change out of my sweaty duds and into my bathing suit. Charged into the shower room, heading for the steam room... And it was closed. "Out of order." What!?!? Hopes dashed, I thought there might be a small chance I could be happy with sitting in the hot spa. Took a peak, and it was like My Big Fat Greek Wedding in there, there were so many people. Frankly, sitting in a hot tub with a bunch of total strangers really grosses me out. Dejected, I childishly grabbed my things out of my locker, threw my sweaty shirt and pants back on, and dragged myself out of there to my car.

Got home and decided to dye my hair. Nothing spectacular, just the usual refreshing of dark dark brown I do to cover the red that manages to come blazing through every 6-8 weeks. Now, I'm not known as being the tidyest hair dye-er in the world. I tend to dye hair, as well as necks, ears, and foreheads. There is a trick I learned where you can rub chapstick all over the hairline of the person whose hair you're dyeing in order that it will wash off without hassle. They don't make enough chapstick for me. With the very first squeeze of the bottle, I had managed to drip directly down the front of my forehead, next to my eyebrow, and down the left side of my nose. I only felt the drip on my forehead, and by the time I looked at my face and seen what I'd done, it was too late. I had a stain that made me look like my left eyebrow was much too overgrown, and that my nose had a weird inkblot birthmark. "Get that girl a pair of tweezers and some laser surgery!" I'm hoping it will rub off in the night. And should there be any remnants, I will just use some extra concealer in the morning.

Good news is my hair is back to being dark. And I'm much happier because of it. Okay, so technically the day is over since it's past midnight... but I'm still up and anything is still bound to happen.


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