Monday, October 18, 2004

Add another candle...

I've had a full 24 hours to get used to being 26. It's been an interesting and eventful ride so far. Here's how my birthday weekend wrapped up to look like:
Friday had lunch with a friend in the
CBU Cafeteria, which, to be honest, was the best present I probably ever could have gotten. And it only cost $7. Dyed her hair, had a glimpse into the adventures of having two kids under the age of 3 (that's a story for another time. I'll only say it involved lots of poop.) Came home and did a whole lot of nothing, which was very appealing, despite the fact it was a Friday night. I couldn't have thought of anything better to do.
Saturday I did more of the same - again, I couldn't have planned for a better day. Caught up on all my programs and some magazine reading. Very important when you live the kind of life I do when these simple pleasures are so hard to accomplish.
Saturday night my brother, sister, and their spouses took me out to a very nice dinner at
Las Campanas where we shared lots of laughs. I love my family. Some pics from the evening below.

I drove my new car home on Saturday night. It still seems not real to me, but it's slowly sinking in I guess.

Sunday morning I woke up to the best birthday present EVER... rain. And lots of it. Decided to break in the new car and left for church... I got as far as the end of my street when I ran out of gas. Actually, I made it as far as the middle of the intersection at the end of my street. Thankfully it started up one more time for me to inch forward a little further to the turning lane so I wasn't completely blocking traffic. Now, you must understand something: I've never EVER run out of gas. Call me responsible. Call me a goodie two shoes always playing by the rules, never walking on the wild side... whatever. I just don't run out of gas. It's a simple thing to prevent. So I was a bit shocked when this happened, considering I never witnessed a gas light warning me it was time, AND the fact that that needle hadn't even touched the red warning section on the gauge yet. Thankfully Rebecca was already in the area to meet me at church, and an angel named David ran across the street to help me push the car through the intersection to the gas station. Yes it was pouring, and I was in flip flops, pushing my brand new car on my birthday. These are things that are my life.

The day continued with lunch with the girls, then work, then dinner with Heather. Was strange because no one at work really knew it was my birthday, and since I'm not one to advertise, I let it stay that way. But I couldn't help the occasional thought pop into my head that said "I shouldn't be here today. I'm special. Be extra nice to me. It's my BIRTHDAY." Those lasted about 1 second and a half until I snapped back into reality and thought "who cares... get to work". Heather and I met up with Z for dancing at
Club Sevilla. It was okay, except I was still stuffed from the fantastic cdinner we'd just had, so I spent a good part of the evening in agony and just trying to stay awake. Good mix of music when we finally started dancing, although Z and Heather spent most of the evening just watching me. Apparently I was feeling "really good" and was shakin' my groove thing pretty good to "Lean Back" and the rest. I remember everything-- mostly thinking what a good dancer I am.

I was falling asleep soon thereafter and knew Heather still had to drive home, so we left and I came home and crashed. Good times. Good friends.

Tonight had dinner with some other girl friends, which felt more like I was enduring some horrible test since the conversation tended to dwell more on the topics of nice cars, nice jewelry, nice hair, and other topics I tend not to stick too long with. It's a wonder I don't have more girl friends I hang out with a lot.

Most everyone I consider a close friend forgot my birthday, and even those who aren't close but should've known forgot... Weird. I guess it kinda hurts my feelings because I have a freakish memory that never forgets a birthday(maybe I should qualify that by saying I hardly ever FORGET a birthday, but I may forget to CALL someone on their birthday). But when people who are really REALLY important to you don't call... and still haven't.... or have given some really LAME excuse about why they didn't call... that just sucks. You have a phone, a computer, a palm pilot. All of these things have the capacity to set reminders for birthdays. Use them. That's all I'm sayin'...

But that's why there are people like your family and Heather in your life, who make your birthday a really special day and do everything they can to make sure it is memorable. This weekend can't come soon enough, and I look forward to celebrating with the parents and my brother again... while I drag Heather along for more fun.


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