Monday, October 24, 2005

Do You Like Dreaming of Things so Impossible?

Sooo much to say and so far behind!! 
I never commented on the USC victory over Notre Dame.  Old news now, but not easily forgotten.  Bye bye Notre Dame.  Even the green jerseys couldn't save you from Leinhart and Co...  Maybe next year.       ehhh... prolly not. 
I turned 27.  Nothing very exciting to report there. 
Heather has had a VERY exciting weekend, and I can't wait to hear all about it.
I went to a wedding at the Paris hotel this weekend. Was reminded that I definitely do not want to get married in Las Vegas.  It was lovely--just not me. 
Got to spend lots of time with my sister, her husband and their Camden.  There's not many more satisfying things in life than to rock my nephew while he falls asleep playing with my hair.  It's enough to melt my heart and give him anything he wants forEVER. 
Wednesday my poolboy Jon comes into town for a week.  There's not too many other things I could wish for right now.  We're looking forward to Jeremy Camp, Dave Matthews and hanging out with my siblings.  And doing nothing at all as much as possible. 
Keep staying tuned... 


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