Saturday, October 08, 2005

As I recall I think we both kinda liked it

At last, a few words about someone special.

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This poster kinda sums things up. He says he'll let me be Holly Golightly as long as he can be the pool boy. Don't tell him this, but I'd forfeit the life of being a lawyer's wife for some underwear any day.

We didn't have breakfast at Tiffany's, but we walked by Tiffany's right after dessert. Oh wait, no that was dessert AFTER dessert. Right. Maybe next time we'll go inside.

All of this is making no sense I realize. That's what happens when you meet someone who takes your hand and wants to walk with you for a while. I'm blaming the blond hair for my recent dizziness and ditzy behavior, but I think it might just be that I'm deliriously crazy for someone.

He washed my coffee pot before he left.

He remembered to lock my manual door locks everytime he closed the door.

He walked my dog.

He never complained when I was cold, my feet hurt, I had to pee, or when he had to meet my family.

He didn't eat all of the dark chocolate because he knows it's my favorite, too.

These are things I got to love him for this week, which is only added on top of the other things I already loved about him. Stay tuned. I think this is gonna be good...

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Blogger Jon said...

This is my favorite picture of us together. I really love this one. Ahhh, the Ghost Bar. *Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind...* Sing along, you know the words.

10:18 AM  

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