Monday, September 18, 2006


Time to play catch up on all that is going on.

Little Holly is here!!!! Holly Maria Devine was born on Tuesday, September 12 at 4:50am. She made her entrance weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces, looking exactly like her daddy! I couldn't be more excited even if I tried. I got to meet her on Saturday and she is the sweetest little girl. Pictures coming soon...

This weekend also provided the opportunity to hang out with The Thumb and it was absolutely wonderful. I did my best to hang on to the title of "Funnest Auntie" by bringing gifts that he had a great time with. Took tons of pics and videos, which I'm sure will also be posted soon. Such a smart little man who knows so much at 21 months. Amazing. He must get it from ME!

I think I'm officially finished changing my name. One more credit card and various mailing lists I think is all that's left. But at least DMV and Social Security know who I am now!!!!

Brian got to go see Dave at The Gorge and I didn't. Whatever, Brian.

Jon and I celebrated our one-year anniversary of meeting each other/being a couple with an "Anniversary Extravaganza Weekend". It was over the Labor Day weekend and Friday night we treated ourselves (with the help of a gift certificate) to dinner at Mix at the top of THE hotel at Mandalay Bay. Fancy shmancy and very yummy. Then we went to Jon's night of the weekend to go see Ron White. Hilarious, even if it was his second show of the night and he was already pretty wasted. Saturday night was my night, and we went and saw "Love" by Cirque du Soleil which was absolutely amazing and so much fun. I think my favorite was "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". It's a don't-miss.

Jon's back in school, getting further on his Criminal Justice major. Yay! Some fun things in the not-too-distant future for him that we're really excited about. I'll keep you posted!

We're having a great time. Yes, marriage has its ups and downs, even after only 1 month-and-a-half of being hitched.... But it's a wonderful ride and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Even if he does like me better blonde.