Friday, August 25, 2006

These Boots Were Made for Walkin'

I splurged on a pair of $50 sandals on Sunday at the Rack. I would normally NEVER do this, but they were super comfortable and I could get by with wearing them at work, even though they were technically flip flops. And I always need comfy black sandals, so I justified it by saying they were a "good investment".

Everything was fine... until we went to Target (my favorite store ever) and I found a pair of equally as comfy black sandals for $4.50. I kid you not. 4 dollars and 50 cents for an even BETTER pair of shoes - no flip flop resemblance.

Needless to say, I'm taking the $50 pair back.

Oh yeah, and I went back to Target and bought 2 more pair. Can't beat clearance, baby!!!

Let's all go to the movies

We watched a few movies this past weekend. It started out bad with "War of the Worlds" on Friday night. Not sure how this movie ever got made (again) or how Steven Spielberg directed it, but this movie made no sense and was pretty worthless. Even the special effects couldn't save it for me. And Tom Cruise definitely didn't help matters.

Next was "Little Miss Sunshine" on Saturday afternoon. Knew I was going to love it, and I did. Absolutely fantastic, super funny, and so heartwarming without being overboard. At all. It was so so so so so so so great. Still laughing about it.

And lastly was "Always" on Sunday afternoon. I have LOVED this movie since it first came out and was so excited when Jon said he would watch it with me. Turns out he loved it too. Hard to go wrong with Holly Hunter, Richard Dreyfuss, and John Goodman. "Girl clothes!!!" Love it...

He's also managed to rope me into Miami Ink and I've done the same with him and Project Runway. We're hooked on both. Too bad we usually prefer to go to bed before they actually come on. We're such old people already.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Married and all that stuff...

I've decided I need to start blogging again. Writing is a great help to me and it's something I enjoy, and I miss recognizing the little odd things that happen to me and around me. PLUS, I can access blogger from work, which is a miracle considering they've taken everything else away. Something about a security risk... whatever. It's just people's credit cards, credit reports, bank accounts, and all-around financial well-being. Get over it, people!

So we've gone ahead and taken the big plunge, stuck the rings on each other's fingers, promised eternity, and said "I Do". The day was absolutely wonderful and truly a celebration of us and our relationship and future lives together. With only close friends and family there to join us, it was very low-stress/no drama and just fun. We even had two of my nephews in the pool while we got married. Sitting quietly on the step of course, but you get the idea. Some of Jon's family from Texas were there, and some of my friends and family from California, Arizona, Colorado and Nebraska were able to make it. So fun.

If you'd like to see the online photo album, just send me a note and I'll be happy to shoot it over.

Married life has been fantastic for the most part. I mean, we love each other endlessly and love that we are still kind of getting to know each other since we waited to have sex and waited to move in together until we were actually married. It was something that we were adamant about saving for our wedding night, and we are so glad we did. But we were getting shooe'd out of our own reception!! (I needed another glass of wine!)

We are reminded everyday that those two little words are not magic and life is not a fairy tale once you get married, no matter how much you try to keep it in God's plan ahead of time. Life has a funny way of throwing you curve balls and you've gotta adjust as they come flying at you. We're doing the best we can, though we know we can improve so we try to remind ourselves everyday of that.

I know--it's only been 3 weeks and I'm already talking about how hard it is. But it's reality and we're human. I once heard marriage described as taking two completely different people, raised with different families, probably in very different environments with different backgrounds and stories, and throwing them together and telling them to live happily ever after. It just doesn't happen in an instant. But we trust that with some work and lots of prayer, we're gonna get there. I'm learning how to be a wife and he's learning how to be a husband and a spiritual leader. Things we've never done before.

It's interesting, because we got married in the midst of two marriages falling apart around us. Two marriages that I was present for the exchanging of vows, the promises to love and to cherish, through sickness and in health, for better or for worse.... And in each of those it was one person who chose to opt out. Basically out of nowhere. Slap in the face. "I'm done". Two marriages that I never thought would last - one because they were so different, and the other because we thought she was "too good for him" (and he's my brother!). Both lasted at least 5 years, and through good and bad times. It was almost enough to make me feel guilty--with one of the couples, the wife is a dear friend of mine who came to my bridal shower right after her world came crashing down, and the other is my brother who is dealing with loving a woman who has decided she doesn't love him anymore. Having these two important people present and celebrating something so wonderful in my life meant so much, but it also was a big flashing neon sign informing me that things can go wrong. The other person can decide that life being married to you isn't fulfilling and they need to go find happiness elsewhere.

Of course, I don't think this is ever in the cards for Jon and I. Don't mistake me for being such a cynic that I'm bringing this up 3 weeks after my own wedding. Jon is who I'm meant to be with forever and we're in it for the long haul. Through it all. No going back. And my heart breaks for those close to me who are wondering where theirs went off track.

OKAY, well--WELCOME BACK TO HOLLY!!! haha... The purpose of this blog has not changed. I will still post the strange and unusual, however I am in a different place in my life now, so there will also be a few more gushy and gooey posts as well. Enjoy... Stop by often.