Thursday, September 30, 2004

Cosmic Forces

I've decided the cat is definitely crazy. He's made it his life purpose to get into my room, the one place he's not allowed. Everytime I open the door, he's ready to run in, find a spot, and hunker down, hoping I won't kick him out. I do immediately, and he accepts his defeat without a fight... I guess because he walks away thinking "That's alright. I'll get her next time".
This is the first cat I've ever known that carries his toys in his mouth like a dog. Balls, string, whatever.. he picks them up and tosses them and paws them about for a bit until he picks it up again.
Yesterday I was standing in front of the mirror, minding my own business, when he jumped straight up and latched on to my leg... and just hung there. Last night I was sitting on the couch, competing with him in a staring contest until I gave up, simply because I was creeped out. A few seconds later, he sweetly reached over and pawed my cheek - no claws.
A while later, he walked up to my feet as they were innocently resting on the coffee table and began gnawing on them. He wasn't trying to hurt me... just felt like chewing on something I guess. I managed to get a picture between my yelps and giggles.
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Holly's Corner

I can't decide if this is completely egotistical, or if it's interesting for others to read. I can't decide if I think it's weird that people would actually want to read this, or if I'm happy they do. I can't decide if I'm insane to want to post my thoughts and ideas that could possibly allow others to pass judgement on anything I might write, or if I just don't care.
But it's here, it's for anyone to read, and it's me.